So many people have been asking me how to get a flash header for their WordPress blog site. I hope this post help those and the others who have not asked!
Actually its not that hard to do, not anymore! You’re saying: Oh, how so?
Well thanks to Michael Bester embedding a flash swf file is just so much easier and here’s how you want to do it:
1. Go here to download the Kimili plug in. This is now a WordPress plug in so you could do a search for it from your admin panel.
2. Install the plug in: Just unzip the files in the wp-content > plugin in the local copy of your blog then upload to where you’re hosting your blog.
3. Using your admin panel, activate the Kimili plug in.
4. Then using your host’s c-panel file manager, go to wp-content > themes and find your theme and in that folder you should be able to see a file called header.php or a similar name depending on which theme you are using.
5. Then replace the header code which is something like this:
<div id=”header” role=”banner”>
<div id=”headerimg”>
<h1><a href=”<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>/”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></a></h1>
<div><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></div>
[kml_flashembed movie=”filename.swf” height=”250″ width=”400″ /]
That’s it.
Now its really important that your flash file has the same dimensions as the header image you maybe replacing. If not you’ll have to modify the CSS that controls your theme’s style to change its dimensions. Its probably best to stay away from that if you’re not familiar with CSS.
Don’t forget to upload your flash file to your blog site!
That should do it. Have fun.
Thank you for the information provided.
Works fine for my site. thanks a lot
is it posiball to embed a flash player with Kimili plug in?
Hi Admin
please explain the logo thing
maybe this will work
thank you
i did it, end it worked!
but only in my homepage
how do i make it run in all the site pages?
here is my site
hello pls take a look at my website
at the top of the services,projects and contact page just right after my header a white rectangular space is where i would like to insert my flash… how do i do it? cause its not on the header but inside the page-custom.php
Below is my theme header.php file code, kindly tell me which code needs to be replaced
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="; charset=” />
» Blog Archive
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress ” />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<a href="” class=””>Home
<form class="searchform" method="get" action="/” name=”f”>
<a href="/”>
You need to make sure your swf is in the root of your site. Read the second post, same subject
I have followed your instruction but it just don’t work. When i replace header code it don’t show my flash header, and page dosen’t look the same as before.
You would upload to your site’s root directory.
Hey man, thanks for the help! My quick question is where do I upload the .swf file for the header, since this plugin code doesn’t include a url?
don’t worry I managed to get it working, thanks
did you mean the very root folder or just the root folder of the theme that I am running, I tried putting it in both and either worked
I sent you my email, send me the header file.
You must put your swf in the root of your site. The black box indicates its a linking issue.
I have tried what you suggested and all I am getting is a black box.
One more time…
worked like a charm. Just unbelievable! THANKS!!! I was using tags… so frustrated, then found the plugin, but it didn’t seem to be for header area, then found your post. Bless you for sharing.
Oops…it didn’t display the first set of codes I posted in my comment above which is what I have in my header.php file, let me try again minus the tag enclosures…it is:
div class=”Header”
div class=”Header-jpeg”>/div
I have done everything correctly but I think there might be a compatibility issue w/ my theme (Pookie) because I have tried several header plug-ins and nothing works though I know I am doing everything right. In my header.php file under Body I have this:
I have tried many ways of replacing the tags within with the kml code to try to direct it to my swf file (and I’m sure I pointed it to the write directory where my file is saved on my server). The thing is, this tag is pointing to something in my theme’s CSS, which is:
/* begin Header */
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 792px;
height: 250px;
background-image: url(‘images/Header.jpg’);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
/* end Header */
Where it says: background-image: url(‘images/Header.jpg’); is what is pointing to the theme’s default header image. So I don’t know if I am supposed to be editing the header.php or my theme’s CSS (and I have already tried both, and everything else I can think of). I only want to use my Flash swf file which consists of 5 rotating photos as my header. Please help!
Have you tried putting the Kimili code just under the the header div tag? Like I show it in the later post of the same subject. Then place your flash file in the root of your site where your home page is.
Also forgot to mention that I installed the plug-in.
And used the code which should be the one for KML.
And the only thing is see is the download button for Flash player
I’ve copied the swf in to my theme/image folder.
I’ve tried to paste a couple of different codes in to my header.php.
But these dont seems to be the right ones.
I have tried a lot things to get my header to be a swf file.
But it doesn’t to work.
I’ve tried some plugins for wordpress.
But the swf doest seem to load.
I thought that the file might be corrupted but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. What is it’s that i’m doing wrong?
Well, I can’t tell from here! Have you looked at the new post on this subject? It has more detail about how to insert the Kimili code. If that doesn’t help, send me your files so I can see what you maybe doing wrong.
Go to the top of this page and click on the IG Webs Home link. Once on that site checkout the contact us page and there you will find an email to send your file. Have you downloaded,installed and activated the Kimili plug in? You will have to do that using your Wordpress admin pannel.
hello can u please give me your email add so i can send you the header.php and can you please replace the flash code cause i dont know how to do it. thanks and more power!
Yes, you should be able to put text above flash but not on it! Any text you want to show on flash, you need to put it in the flash authoring environment. If you have text you want to show below your flash header or above, then you may have to create another div above or below the flash and place your text there, My preference is to put it in flash.
The embedding of flash has worked fine.
I only have one problem, i hope not a big one.
I think it’s just my css or the place where the code is inserted.
the problem is that the title of my website disappears. It’s below my header and behind the navigation. Is it possible to put text above a flash header ? And how should i do this.
(p.s. when you follow my link you will not see my problem. Im working on my site behind closed doors !!)
You can leave that alone and just add Kimili to your header.php, mostlikely the first thing in the header div.
do u really mean header.php or stylesheet.css?
coz i’ve embed my image using stylesheet.css
Thanks. What do you like about it?!
Hey There, I have to say, that I lover your blog.
Please go on like that and don’t stop posting. I hope this comment motivates you to do so, smile
regards, kali
I love the idea, but having trouble implementing. Did all the steps. Now the code for the embed shows up in the header instead of the actual swf.?
Not sure what could have gone wrong, something must have! Perhaps you could email me the header.php code so I can take a look. you can find my email on this website, not the blog!
No, only the header portion. Typically the header is in a div tag or table tag. So you replace the content of the tag with your flash swf file. Be sure the sizes matcha and don’t delete the div or table!
Replace the entire PHP? or a portion of?
The text comes from the header.php file…
You have the wrong file. The file name you want is header.php and it should be in your theme folder. If you’re having this much trouble finding the right file, it maybe best to get some professiontal help for this.
You can’t arbitarily select a size, remember you are changing the header image to the flash file so it should match the header image size that you would see if your flash wasn’t there.
Hmm, again my code is being refused …
Spooky.. 😉
Here’s the text if you please:
You mean this?
And what exactly should be replaced in this example?
Thanks for responding so fast by the way 😉
<a href=”/”>
You are looking at the actual html header code. What you want to find is below that in the body. It most likely will start with then whatever’s in the header. The header section being what’s showing up on your blog header, different than the html tag . I hope that helps
Sorry, this is the actual header code I meant to post.
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/external.js”>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/showhide.js”>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/blur.js”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/styles/” type=”text/css” media=”screen,projection” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/ie.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/ie6.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<a href=”/”>
Thank you for explaining but I’m a n00b at this. Would you be so kind to point it out in this header example for me beacuse I still don’t understand which section has to be replaced…
I would be very grateful.
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/external.js”>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/showhide.js”>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/blur.js”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/styles/” type=”text/css” media=”screen,projection” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/ie.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/ie6.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<a href=”/”>
I think Kimili answer this best. Try his blog, its full of information.
Each theme’s files includes a file called “header.php”. This file determines what shows up in your blog’s header. If you are using the default WordPress theme, the header.php has a div with a blue background image and the blog name, etc in it. so basically, you would replace everything but the div with your flash swf file using the outlined procedure. Of course, you would need a php editor to modify this file.
When you say “replace the header php code” what exactly do you mean? I am new to this stuff and I can’t figure out what the header php code entails. Thanks!
When you insall the Kimili plugin, the latest version, it places a icon on your wordpress editor you normally get when you are editing a post or a page. The icon/logo is a small red rectangle with the letter “f” in the middle of it signifying Flash. Try editing one of your pages and you should see it where all the editor icons are.